The Most Terrifying TikTok Trend Is "Sunburning" to Heal Acne

Have you heard about the recent tik tok craze of purposefully burning your skin in the sun to treat acne? Although dermatologists and estheticians advise against doing this, it unnerves me to think that my clients—especially the younger ones—might accept this. 

In a tik tok video, an influencer is seen at the beach claiming that the "sun and saltwater burn off all my acne," and many viewers have commented saying that they find this to be helpful as well. 

How did this false belief originate? While it is true that UVA rays from the sun can temporarily reduce inflammation, you are also exposed to UVB rays, which cause sunburn and inflammation, both of which can exacerbate acne.

Although the redness from a sunburn may appear to mask the redness from acne, what you are really doing is inflaming your entire face however, now you have a face full of inflammation instead of isolated acne lesions. . When your face isn't exposed to the sun for a while, you might be able to hide your acne, but then more outbreaks might frequently occur as a result of the rebound phenomena.

Clients with darker hair and eyes have greater melanin levels and are therefore more likely to develop PIH (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation), which can be more challenging to treat than the initial acne. In the end, it is not only foolish but also risky to use the sun to treat acne, as it can cause skin cancer and premature aging.  

Please give me a call or arrange a skin care coaching consultation if you need effective acne remedies. I've been successfully treating acne for 30 years in people of all ages!